
Our complete range of stand-alone and computer-controlled audiometers, HPD fit testers, and spirometers offers fast and accurate audiograms, fit test results, and spirograms. With fully integrated databases and network connectivity, our products ensure seamless data management. Designed to handle difficult-to-test subjects and provide boothless-quiet room testing, our instruments deliver unmatched reliability and ease of use for healthcare professionals.

Learn More About Benson Solutions



Innovative Features

Benson products are designed with over 500 advanced features, including boothless quiet room testing and audio test instructions and reports available in 21 languages. This multilingual support helps companies efficiently test employees who are not proficient in English, ensuring accurate and inclusive hearing assessments. 

Watch the video to discover how our built-in multilingual test instructions have helped a company efficiently test employees, streamlining their process and enhancing accuracy.



Benson Solutions Meets the Needs of Various Providers



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